While browsing through craigslist the other day, I found this...
{lucite and brass floor lamp}
The listing was for "4.5Ft NEW gold colored lamp". The seller's image was not great so I emailed him...
Me: Is the floor lamp brass and acrylic?
Seller: Yes, it is!
Me: {getting excited} Is it in good working condition? I'd like to purchase it if it is.
Seller: This lamp has never been used. I took it out of the box to take a picture
Me: When is a good time to pick it up?
Seller: Tomorrow, I'll bring it to work so it's nearer for you.
Me: Great, thanks!
I googled "brass and lucite floor lamp" and look what I found...
lobel modern
Floor Lamp in Lucite and Brass Attributed to Dorothy Thorpe
Floor lamp in molded Lucite with brass base and hardware attributed to Dorothy Thorpe, American 1960's
contact dealer
Height: 57 1/2
Diameter: 10 in.
Number of items: 1
Creator: Dorothy Thorpe
Reference: floorlamp79
lobel modern - brass finial
I like mine better- lucite finial
So, pick up day:
Me: Is it vintage but never been used then?
Seller: It came from my Aunt. I took it out of the box myself.
The only thing I noticed is this small stain, I'm not sure what it is
Me: ok
Seller: I'm not selling it to get rich but I just want to be fair. I'll take $5 off.
Me: (feeling guilty now) Ok, thanks!
I'm not sure how much lobel modern sold theirs but I bet my bottom dollar it wasn't
$20! SCORE!