Thursday, October 31, 2013


Welcome to week 5 of the One Room Challenge Linking Party!  The ORC is created by Linda of Calling it Home where a group of 20 bloggers design a room in 6 weeks.  This year, Linda was kind enough to host an ORC Linking Party where 70 something bloggers joined in the fun (including me!)
Here are the previous weeks if you missed them.

This previous week was about another DIY - Salvaging the faux bamboo cane chair I got from my neighbor's garbage...

First, I unscrewed the the top frame from the bottom frame and got rid of the damaged caning simply by cutting...

Next, I used a 1" square dowel from home depot to make angled brackets like so...

I traced my wood from under the frame to get accurate measurements for the angles...

Cut then screw.
(I pre-drilled some holes and screwed them to the frame)...

I ended up with two angled pieces in front and one long horizontal piece for the back(since my chair is curved)...

For the seat, I used a ply board from home depot and traced to size...

Then cut with my jigsaw...

I used 3 inch foam and batting for the cushion and added hot pink piping..

then screwed the seat to the frame...

One rescued chair! Yes!

I also got these frames from Michael's...

for some of my favorite photos from recent travels...
(I love how the frame is hardly noticeable).  I think I'm going to add two more and hang them around the tv.

The electrician is coming tomorrow to install the sputnik chandelier.
The duvet cover is going to be delivered today.
All I have to do is hang the tv, mirrors and art then accessorize!
Eeek!  I can't wait to show you.

Come back next week for the big reveal!


  1. Obsessed with that chair transformation. So jealous you got it out of the garbage! Sheesh!

  2. Bravo on the chair! Wonder if your neighbor has seen it and is kicking themselves for being way less resourceful than you.

  3. That chair is so pretty! You always make the best transformations.

  4. That chair!! You did a fabulous job on it! I can't believe you built the seat base!! I can't wait to see the room all done! Xo

  5. You have some serious skills girl! That chair is incredible.

  6. Amazing job on the chair...and that fabric!! Can't wait to see your reveal!

  7. That chair is simply fabulous! Good for you!

  8. That is a terrific DIY! Love the fabric and the fact that you left the chair stained. YOur framed vacation photos are a terrific toys as well!

  9. Wow, I am impressed! The new cushion looks great! I can't wait to see how the room all comes together!

  10. Love the chair! Looking forward to seeing the final reveal.

  11. Oh your chair looks so so so so good!!!! I love the fabric and your mad DIY skills that saved it!!! Inspiring!

  12. That chair is amazing! I love bamboo and it turned out beautifully with your TLC!

    Review: "Fifth Avenue Style"

  13. Your neighbors are going to be begging for that chair back!!

  14. I love using those frames!

    Great job on the chair...can't wait to see it all come together!

  15. I cannot believe someone would throw that chair away! What a transformation, it looks AMAZING!! I cannot wait to see your final reveal!

    The Glam Pad

  16. Its so great that you transformed that chair it had such great bones!!! Cant wait to see the room!

  17. I'm so glad to know how you fixed this seat, this post will be a great resource for future finds! Can't wait to see everything next week!

  18. Bravo!!! You did an awesome job. The chair looks fantastic!

  19. The chair! The Sputnik! This has all the makings of a fabulous reveal. Can't wait!!!

  20. Fabulous! I have a pair of the same chairs myself and will surely keep this post in mind once I re-do them! Can't wait to see it all next week!

  21. So good, and what a difference. I love the fabric and piping you used.

  22. Holy crap....thanks for showing me how that is done....who knew! You are the queen for sure!

  23. fixing broken chairs? Girl, you're a genius!

  24. Wow! Super brilliant save on that cane chair! I try and pick them up whenever I can but not the ones with ruined seats, now I'm going to re-think that! And love the Michael's frames too!

    xo Mary Jo

  25. Great job. I bet your neighbor would like the chair back :)


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