Friday, November 30, 2012


I had the cushions professionally done and I got them yesterday.  I LOVE the pink! Before I reupholster them,  I need to decide if I want the frames painted white or leave them as is?

I think I'm going to keep this one here...

and the tufted one in the office. (Or maybe the other way around)



or white?



Have a great weekend everyone!

*I caved in and purchased additional storage space from Blogger.  


  1. I was all over the white until I saw the inspiration I'm not so sure!

  2. i love the inspiration pics, too, but i think in your home white would look better.

  3. Paint paint paint! Will make the details and color pop. Love the cushions.

  4. I vote white, agreeing with Cassie! What great finds, they are perfect for your place!

  5. I love the way the cane back one looks au naturale, but I think that the tufted one would look better with white. You can't go wrong either way!

  6. I don't think there is a wrong choice here. But my choice would be to leave them, as is.

  7. I agree that in your home, I would paint them white. They're going to look amazing either way! What a fun color!

  8. I agree with tiffany. I'm digging the wood on the cane chair. Plus You have a lot of white in the dining room so it might be a nice contrast. You could always pick a fabric that has some white in it to tie it all together. Not sure about the other chair though.

  9. I was thinking white but then when I saw the inspiration pics, now I think wood. The wood makes them look rich and classic. Great chairs either way!

  10. I agree with Tiffany and Hannah. However, if you do put them in the same room one day, it will be odd to have on painted, and one not. Tough call.

  11. I agree with Pam- leave them au naturale. Wood is classic & classy; the white feels more trendy.

  12. That's a tough one. I love the inspiration pics, but with everything else you have in your living and dining room, I think the white might be a bit more cohesive. I think Tiffany's right too - at least the tufted one in white. I'm DYING over the pink cushions, they look SOO good.

  13. I love the wood look, but I'd give them a light metallic gold wash or hit them with a little gold rub 'n buff here and there. LOVE the pink!

  14. I was going to say white until I saw the inspiration pics...and since you have a lot of white going on already, maybe mix it up with the wood? Either way they will look fantastic, so at least you know you can't go wrong!

  15. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. I'm kind of digging the natural wood with the two-tone chairs. White seems so stark for some reason.

  16. I guess I'm in the minority. I say leave natural. I think they look great in the room that way. It adds some natural warmth and I think they look more highend than if you painted white. - Brandy

  17. i agree w/ everyone else...i was gungho for the white but then the inspiration pics made me think maybe keep them as is!.....

    it's true, the chairs are sooo fab that you can't go wrong either way!

  18. I'm not sure about this one, agree with your first decision though. I think we also have to see the chair in your office too. Good luck

  19. How about just white washing them a bit over the wood tone? They are fantastic chairs!
    Have a great weekend.
    xo Nancy

  20. Wood! I think they will add an element of age and sophistication. Good luck - our own decisions are the toughest!

  21. I think the tufted should be in white and the other as is...beautiful! I love that pink!!

  22. Tough one lady. But I say go white. Will take those chairs to the next level and make those pink cushions pop. p.s. Happy Monday!


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