Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I couldn't find a wreath small enough for the federal mirror so I used a candle ring instead...

inspired by this image...

{now I just have to find a staffordshire spaniel on CL ;) }

I am having some technical difficulties with blogger.  It won't let me upload bigger images anymore(and I'm not even near the limits).  I know Kerry is experiencing the same problem.  Any suggestions for us?
Are you paying for additional storage already?


  1. I actually am paying for additional storage...I think it's like, $2.49/mo. I'm not having that trouble on mine, but maybe an upgrade will help you.


  2. I had that problem a long time ago and paid for some extra storage (I think). No problems since, but I'm sure it will happen again.

    Love your cute little candle ring idea! I have the same mirror and was wondering how I could replicate the Pinterest photo (that I pinned from you earlier). Got to get working on my decor some more!

  3. Love the candle ring idea. I need a pair for my Foo Dogs. - Brandy

  4. I have to do this to my Federal mirror! Thanks for the Pinspiration :)

  5. Blogger has been the WORST for me lately. My blog no longer updates to reader/bloglovin... and I cannot figure out why. So, I'm just living with it until I decide to go elsewhere for blog services. I also had some picture problems as well, but they ended up just kind of going away?!? So weird. Good luck finding a solution!

    xoxo, Emily

  6. I love the wreath! And you know I love GOLD this season!

  7. Candle ring makes a perfect wreath. I swear some of the best ideas are so simple you wonder why you didn't think of it yourself! Sorry about the blogger issues - I have them myself from time to time and it's frustrating bc you're pretty much on your own in figuring it out!

  8. I was wondering how you were going to make a wreath to fit inside your Fed mirror, but you did it;) Google got me too...I'm now paying for storage:/ Annoying.

  9. I am paying for upgrades- the cheapest option is more than enough to keep up with my posts. It wasn't even allowing me to post until I bought the upgrade!
    Might as well!!

    Laura xo

  10. I had to pay for extra storage too, I think it was $5 for a year. I had issues with blogger, old photos not showing up only black boxes - I was able to fix that problem thankfully!

  11. Yikes. Had no idea you could even pay for extra storage. Maybe you hit the limit then? Thanks for bringing this up since I'll be sure to be on the lookout. Had other problems with Blogger and a massive attack of the spammifiers this week. You can't imagine, though they were kinda hilarious. Any who, cute wreath and TGIF.

  12. I am so afraid to comment on this. I am afraid I will jinx myself. I have had no problems, and I did not buy anything?

  13. Had to pay for extra storage long ago and I haven't even been blogging for a year?! I am definitely considering changing platforms. Love your candle wreath over the fed mirrors and the new pink cushions for your chairs.

  14. I had that problem too and started paying for storage. A small price to pay I figure.

  15. OMG! Love the candle ring used for a wreath. Love it so much because I have 3 of that very same candle ring but I'm using them as rings around 3 separate succulent pots as a way to dress them up for the holidays. Now if only I bought that Federal Mirror that I saw at Brimfield this past year...darn it!!


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