Monday, December 3, 2012


Happy Monday Everyone!  How was your weekend?  We were finally able to get our Christmas tree! (love the smell of pine!)  Do you feel the holiday spirit yet?

Also, thank you for your input on the Bergere chairs.   I think I'm going to leave them as-is(less work for me!).  We shall see though.  I'm so fickle!

As if I didn't have enough projects to do, I bought 4 of these Louis style dining chairs from CL over a month ago...
{These are going to replace my rattan chippendale chairs in our breakfast nook...comfier!}
I am definitely painting them white + reupholster them with white faux croc fabric + nailhead trim.

I might use a different fabric for the backs..


  1. omg love the idea of white with white crocodile...and a different backing!!!! want to see pics!

    also, I think leaving the other chairs as is will be fab! those inspiration pics look wonderful and your chairs do too!

  2. Where do you get your energy? Love the new dining chairs and I'm sure they will look great when you're done with them!

  3. I'm so jealous. We sold our dining chairs and are using a mix of chairs from all over the house. The family is not happy with me but I won't buy anything until I find the perfect chair, which happens to be a Louis chair. They were everywhere a few months ago and now suddenly when I need them all my sources have dried up. Can't wait to see the transformation.

  4. I love it! Your chairs will turn out great and I especially love the idea of using a different fabric on the back. Can't wait to see the transformation!


  5. pretty chairs! love that your always finding amazing chairs & deals!

  6. Can't wait to see! I def think you should take advantage of the backs and use a different fabric. SO fun! Where are your chippendale chairs going?

  7. Love your inspiration pictures Charmaine, and the bones of those chairs. I agree 100% on the faux croc!
    so great. Have a happy journey to Christmas.
    xo Nancy

  8. Wow! I was just thinking today how much I want four (or 6) Louis chair in faux croc or ostrich in my breakfast room. Love yours.

  9. I'm so jealous.....I need dining chairs ASAP but can't seem to find the right ones. Love the crewel back. Can't wait to see your finished product. - Brandy

  10. They will be fab. Love the idea of a patterned fabric on the back!

  11. Hey lady! Great finds - as always. Definitely a different fabric on the back. It's quite the element of surprise.


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.