Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween Everyone!  

My heart goes out to all of those affected by Sandy.
Stay Safe!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I went back to ReStore last Friday to get the gold shelving for Carolyn.  While I was there, I couldn't help but look around again.   I'm glad I did because I found this...
Waterfall upholstered stool.  $7.50!!! Score!!!

I recently got this Trina Turk santorini fabric in persimmon from the Designer's attic...

I was originally going to have some pillows made out of it for the basement but...
I may have found a better alternative.

What do you think?

Friday, October 26, 2012


First of all, you guys made me regret not getting some of the items I posted yesterday (especially the cane headboard!  I called ReStore and it's gone.  Lesson learned!  What was I thinking?!)

Anyway, Trick or Treating is this Sunday for us.  Costumes are picked out.
Alex is going to be an Angel,  Matt is going to be the Dark Knight and Sabrina is going to be Dora.  I'll share pictures of that next week.

Last year...
 Alex was an Owl.  I followed this DIY and just added the wings using felt. It was a big hit!  

 Matt was a cowboy.

 And Sabrina a peacock.

What are you and your kids going to be for Halloween?

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I know this is not for everyone but there are plenty of deals and steals to be found at thrift stores.  You just have to keep an open mind.

Here are some items I found while thrifting yesterday...

Spindle side table for $40...

Faux bamboo chair for only $4.99...

Cane Headboard for $10!!!

Chair for $7.50...

Gold shelving for $37.50...

This Dixie dresser set for $139...

{I wanted to buy these two side tables but  they wouldn't let me break the set.}

I came home with these...

these brass cabinet pulls for the basement kitchenette...

 this brass with lucite accent floor lamp...
{I think this would look great with a black shade}

Did you find any good deals lately?

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My sisters recently introduced me to the works of a Filipino designer,  Luisa De los Santos-Robinson.
She is best known for her Dragon's tail light fixtures conceptualized while playing with origami folds...

Pretty cool, right?!

Available here.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Happy Monday Everyone!  
We're back from our California vacation!  It was one of the best trips we've had!
  We've managed to visit at least 5 cities, hit 3 theme parks, and 6 vineyards. We were also able to visit a lot of family and friends.  AND Mark outdid himself by getting the Stone building at The Lodge(where we had part of our wedding reception) to ourselves for some champagne after dinner!  Very romantic!

We got home late last night so I only have a pair of upholstered stools for you today...

It's been listed for a week now, hopefully they are still available!  I don't need them but they are so good(and inexpensive) to pass up!  (I can always resell them too).

Can't wait to catch up with my blog reading.
Miss all of you!

And thanks to Nicole and Debbie for guest posting for me last Friday!  You gals are the best!
Check it out here if you missed it.

***Update:  Just heard from the seller and the stools are sold.  They were only $50 for the pair!!!  Grrrr!

Friday, October 19, 2012



So thrilled to be guest posting today for Charmaine, one of our true blogger besties! We've been stalking Charmaine's blog ever since we started blogging a few months ago, and pop in daily to see what she's up to. We rarely have a chance to do any DIY projects so kinda live vicariously through her and her manic ability to transform items she finds on Craigslist. To honor her recent foray into design school and the need to create a home office, we decided to pay our homage by featuring some fabulously amazing home offices/desks that would make any girl wanna stay home and work as well.    
A great example of not being afraid of dark walls. Love the wallpaper and the varying layers seen here. Loads of items here that could also be replicated on the cheap i.e the buffet/console, wicker chairs and light fixture.

Budget-friendly Ikea shelving/storage units look all dressed up and custom with the amazing nuance of the woven baskets, books and other personal touches. Love the industrial feel/look of the desk but I think the chair and those sconces may have stolen the show on this one. Notice how the horrible flooring kinda disappears? It begs for an area rug, but a well designed room can even detract from that detail. 
Loads of charm in this space! Look at the beauty of the legs on this vintage number and those mid-century chairs make a statement with that black piping. Plus, anyone who has such an amazing collection of books is likely not reading books online (pet peeve of mine) and therefore someone after my own heart. We likes. A lot.

Check out the amazing budget-friendly desks we sourced to get you inspired to start your own office makeover. It even includes a few beauties we found on Miami's Craigslist. See, Charmaine even has us looking for items  to purchase and not just sell on Craigslist.



These final three beauties are from Miami's own Craigslist. Good stuff no?

Thanks again Charmaine for having us over today to indulge in our home office fantasies. Hope you had an amazing vacay and made even more memories in Sonoma. 
