Monday, October 22, 2012


Happy Monday Everyone!  
We're back from our California vacation!  It was one of the best trips we've had!
  We've managed to visit at least 5 cities, hit 3 theme parks, and 6 vineyards. We were also able to visit a lot of family and friends.  AND Mark outdid himself by getting the Stone building at The Lodge(where we had part of our wedding reception) to ourselves for some champagne after dinner!  Very romantic!

We got home late last night so I only have a pair of upholstered stools for you today...

It's been listed for a week now, hopefully they are still available!  I don't need them but they are so good(and inexpensive) to pass up!  (I can always resell them too).

Can't wait to catch up with my blog reading.
Miss all of you!

And thanks to Nicole and Debbie for guest posting for me last Friday!  You gals are the best!
Check it out here if you missed it.

***Update:  Just heard from the seller and the stools are sold.  They were only $50 for the pair!!!  Grrrr!


  1. Ohhhh i love tos chair
    Saludos from chile

  2. Welcome back lady. Glad you had a great time! Sounds like a whirlwind experience - so many parks and vineyards? Amazing Madness. Thanks again for having us guest post. Had a blast and lol re: the real time update on those stools. That was a steal. p.s. no Twitter or FB page?

  3. Oooh, those are awesome stools! Love the Moroccan detail on them as well. You have to get them if they're still available. I know someone who's looking for some if you decide to sell.

  4. I am in physical pain because you missed out on these stools! The sellers clearly did not know what they had.

  5. gggrrrr!!! That was a deal!! Welcome back...your vacay sounds amazing and fun filled. Wonderful!

  6. Your trip sounds amazing. I'm so jealous. What a bummer you missed out on the stools:((

  7. Such a bummer about the stools... I HATE when that happens!

  8. welcome home! Im so glad you had a wonderful vacation. Those stools are awesome, hope you get them!
    xo Nancy

  9. Glad you had a terrific vacation. Those stools are perfect! I am so sorry to hear you missed them. I am sure you will find something else fabulous soon.


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