Monday, September 24, 2012


Someone grab these, please!!!

 How was your weekend?  I painted and painted and painted.  I'm almost done with the campaign furniture, I primed the kitchen cabinets, and started painting the rug.!  

I also started reading Gone Girl (Thanks to Melissa!)

Have you read it?
It is really good, I can't put it down!

Happy Monday Everyone!


  1. Phew! you are a busy girl. I just heard about this fabulous book. THose pick chairs are so awesome, I can't believe what a find that is.. Wish I was closer!
    Have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  2. What fun chairs, can't believe you didn't nab them! Can't wait to see your office piece!

  3. Someone needs to grab those chairs! I'm glad you are enjoying that book but I'm afraid you won't be getting much done :)

  4. ohhh I keep hearing about that book? it's good?! yay. will have to try.

    I LOVE LOVE those chairs. how amazing

  5. Sounds like a busy and fun weekend! Makes me look lazy. I can't wait for school to start in 2 weeks so I can be busy again! Can't wait to see everything.

  6. haven't heard about the book, but i'm headed to good reads to check it out! those chairs?? OMG...they are in EXCELLENT condition and worth every penny of $245. ugh, if i lived near you...

  7. Those chairs are killer! Wouldn't even need to be reupholstered, I'd just paint the legs. I'm pretty sure your arms are on fire from all the painting. Can't wait to see the reveal. Happy Monday.

  8. I think you should start a business of finding stuff for people on CL in their own towns. Those chairs are just great and I love the color!

  9. awesome chairs!!! love! Can't wait to see about the rug!! You are so handy.

  10. You have been busy GF! Love those chairs, but no spot yet for my home can't wait to see your office dear!!

  11. Wow you are the painting goddess! Would love those chairs if I lived closer - fantastic lines.

  12. Oh I want those chairs!
    Are you one of those vampire-thingys that never sleeps or eats? How do you do it all? Very impressed.

  13. Love the pink chairs, although I'm a little perplexed by the oversized handles on the back. I've seen chairs with handles, those just seem so big. But the shape and fabric of the chairs is amazing! Oh, and Gone Girl is SO good. I think I read it in 2.5 days (my poor family didn't get any meals for a couple of days but oh well). :)

  14. When do you sleep?! :) You are working hard, I can't wait to see everything!!


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