Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Here it is!
Our house on Apartment Therapy.
Check it out here.

I still can't believe it!
I am so overwhelmed by all of your nice comments!
Thanks everyone and thanks again, Carolyn!


  1. LOVE LOVE seeing your house!! I hope you share more details on your blog :) Congrats on the feature! Love it :)

  2. aaaaahhhh! So nice Charmaine!!!!! Your house is gorgeous! But I guess I told you that before! truly an honor well deserved dear! you have a beautiful family which deserves the beautiful home you've meticulously created for them. Love it and great job! There's nothing I would change or could suggest, everything is beautiful and well-thought of. the write-up must have you in giggles!!!! Congratulations dear!!!

  3. Charmaine!!! CONGRATS! Your home in its entirety is truly gorgeous. I looked through all 50 photos. My fave is the straight on shot of the emerald mirror. WOW. You are amazing, a big accomplishment!

  4. Just came over from AT and WOW! I love your style. Great job--I would have definitely decorated that house very similarly!

  5. Fancy! You're big time now:)

  6. Charmaine, It is fantastic. Wow, each room is more lovely than the next. Your family is so cute, too. Great job...you should do this for other people.

  7. Charmaine! I would love to feature your space on the blog! Send me an email. So proud of you!!

  8. Congrats again, Charmaine! Your home is gorgeous and I'm so glad you had the opportunity to share it with the world!!

  9. Yay! I just went, read, look, gawked and left a comment. You so deserve it because your house is amazing!

  10. Wow, you should be so proud! This is just so wonderful! Your house rocks in these photos and this post on AT is terrific!

  11. Lady, the house is killin it! I'm blown away by how well you've fused old with new. And that you did that headboard by yourself. Amazing. My favorites: the exposed beams, dining table and pretty much every inch of the living room.

  12. Wow! I love your house...it was so cool to see the whole thing! And the pink chairs in dining room were a good call!

  13. Yay! Looks great! Impressive. Love all your details. Keep 'em coming.

  14. Im so proud of you my friend! So glad the 'cat is out of the bag'! It all looks so fantastic, and your family is beautiful! You really inspire me to never stop thrifting and looking on CL. You have some fantastic additions to your retail( sale) purchases, and a good eye for design my dear friend.
    xo Nancy

  15. You must be over the moon! That is one gorgeous set of spaces.

  16. It's such a joy to see your beautiful home! I have to keep going back to each room to check out a mirror, a color, etc. Thanks so much for sharing! I wish you were closer to help me. :)


  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Charmaine!!! I feel so proud of you and so happy for you. Your home is beautiful, so nice to see the layout and where everything is :) I love it, and all of your finds. You GO GIRL!!!!

  18. Your home and family looked perfectly put together! How exciting that you're able to share your talent for creating such a gorgeous space without spending huge $$$!

  19. Wow, what an amazing feature!! You should be very proud. You have a gorgeous home that is full of life and looks so personalized and stylish. What a beautiful family you have!

  20. goodness, I'm totally behind on my reading--congrats on the apt therapy feature! Your entire house is lovely, but I really love the navy room with the green striped curtains. Congrats!

  21. your living room is awesome. No joke!

  22. Finally just got to read the feature - it us just fabulous!!! So excited for you - everything looks wonderful. YEAH!!! :)


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.