Thursday, August 30, 2012


I got an email from my younger sister yesterday asking for help in choosing a nightstand for her master bedroom.
I thought I'd ask you, my design- savvy readers, for your opinion.

Choice #1


Choice #2

and to help you decide, here's a picture of the room...
(it is going to replace the white nightstand)

Both are good.
I have my preference though.  Can you guess which one?

Which one do you like better?


  1. Hands down, the first one! The first nightstand is gorgeous and less busy compared to the second one. The second one is lovely but I will pair it with a bed in a solid color. I think the first option will contrast beautifully with the patterned headboard.


  2. the second one, love it!

  3. OOOOOOOH choice 2! the other one feel so distinctly 80s crossed with art deco that i dont feel it would last as long, when tastes change. i think the second one has a wonderful patina and great detail on it, and would look great with the busy headboard. Of course, it's all IMHO, but, was fun to weigh in!

  4. #2, #2!!! So unique and pretty! I like the first one too, but not as much as no. 2. I think your leaning towards no. 2 too!:-)

  5. I agree with Jessie - I think #2 is great on its own, but #1 fits the spot better given the already busy headboard.

  6. Definitely #1 lady. They are both fab, but the second one is chock full of details that will go in a head-to-head battle with the headboard's busy fabric. Just my two cents worth.

  7. #2 looks much more expensive

  8. Tough! I think I like #2 bc it's diff than what you normally see in mirrored furniture and I like the detail.

  9. # 2-looks a little bit larger-think the space could use that.

  10. I love them both, but I think the cleaner look of dresser number 1 will go better with the busy headboard fabric (as some have already mentioned). The scale of number 2 might be better though...and now, after all that I just can't decide!

  11. Choice 2 by far. For the win!!! I just posted about black drapes in my bedroom... would love to hear your thoughts!

  12. Definitely choice #2 !! Good luck

  13. #2 gives off the vibe that it has some history and character...definitely my pick!

  14. I can't decide if I think #2 competes with or compliments the headboard. I love the unique details on it. I'd bring both of them home and test them if I were undecided.

  15. Guess I'm an outlier but I think definitely #1. I feel like #2 has one trend too many- either nailhead OR antiqued mirror, but not both. #1 is a claasic; I never like my furniture to be id'd by when a trend hit.

  16. #1, it's less busy, although I would have picked the 2nd one if it weren't for the headboard that is already in place. I love the unique look of the 2nd one.

  17. Haha...looks like it is close to a tie. I say 1

  18. NO. 2!!! NO QUESTION!!! It's got so much more character and potential. It could be used in so many different rooms and different styles. It looks so much more expensive and unique too.


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.