Monday, August 27, 2012


Back in June, I got an email from Carolyn Purnell, one of the contributing writers at Apartment Therapy.  

She recently started following my blog and was wondering if I would be interested in letting her conduct a house tour.
I couldn't believe it!  Me?  Our house?!!  Apartment Therapy?!
Without even thinking about it,  I said yes!
Our house is no way close to done, but I wasn't going to pass up such a great opportunity.
It was an honor to be asked.

I always wondered how the process went.
Carolyn's email summarizes it...

Hi Charmaine,

I'm a contributing writer at Apartment Therapy, and I recently started following your blog. I love your style, and I was wondering if you would be interested in letting me conduct a house tour. The process is pretty simple: I send you a questionnaire to fill out, and then one day I come over to your place for an hour or two to take photos and chat. I live in Chicago, but I have been wanting to make it Milwaukee-ward sometime this summer, so maybe we could coordinate something for July or early August. 

Please let me know if you're interested, and either way, keep up the awesome blogging/ designing!

Best regards, 

A few days later, she sent me the questionnaire and we decided on a time and date.
August 4th, at 10 am.

Carolyn and her other half, Ed, came.  As soon as they got here, she started taking photos.
We chatted in between.  It was pretty casual and a fun experience....

(the above photos were taken by my sister-in-law)

Thanks again, Carolyn (and Ed), for driving all the way to Milwaukee and taking your time to feature our home.

You guys are so sweet!

Can't wait to see our home through the eyes of Carolyn.

Apartment Therapy is posting it TOMORROW!!!

I'll link to it as soon as it's live.

Let me know what you guys think!
Be nice! :)


  1. Oh my goodness!!! SO excited for you and your stylish finds to be featured, Charmaine! You go inspiring girl!

  2. Wow, that is so exciting! Your family looks so beautiful...can't wait to see the post.

  3. Congratulations! So excited for you and can't wait to see your house!

  4. exciting!! Can't wait to see the feature on AT:) Congrats, girl!

  5. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Charmaine!!! so excited for you and cannot WAIT to see it. Can you link to it tomrrow?!?!

  6. That is SO awesome!!!! Congratulations!!!

  7. That's so cool, Charmaine! Congratulations! Looking forward to see the post tomorrow. What an exciting experience!


  8. Congrats lady! Some pretty cool things rocking your world these days. Can't wait to see the post tomorrow.

  9. I'm jumping up and down for you!! YAY! I love how your home feels so you congrats!! I cannot wait to see all the awesome pictures :)

  10. Cats out of the bag! Can't wait to see the pix!

  11. So glad you finally get to tell everyone! Im so proud of you and this opportunity Charmaine!
    I CANNOT wait to see it. Your home and YOU are sooooo deserving!
    xo Nancy

  12. Hey Charmaine,
    Ed and I had a great time meeting your family and photographing your lovely home. Thank you again for the warm welcome, and I hope that you like the post! And best of luck with the classes and all the new endeavors. I can't wait to read more about them.

  13. Woooowwww Charmaine! I had a feeling something like this was your big reveal! So proud of you! Can't wait to see your home in much more detail. xox

  14. Yay! That is so exciting!! You deserve it as your house is awesome!! And congrats on starting design school. That is something I've always thought of doing as well. There are a couple of great design schools here so I've thought of at least taking some courses to see how I liked it. Can't wait to see the AT feature tomorrow. Congratulations!!

  15. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see!!!

  16. aaaaaahhhh! Finally the wait is over - or almost over! I'm sure it will be FABULOUS!!!!! Your kids are cute and your son is a carbon copy of your hubby ha! :-)

  17. Charmaine, I popped over after you followed me on Vivid Hue Home and I am psyched that I found you just in time. I can't wait to see your spread in Apartment Therapy...that's quite an honor. kudos to you! I'll def be back tomorrow! how exciting! xoxo

  18. That is great news! I know you must be thrilled...what a gorgeous family :)

  19. I'm not sure what I love more. Your awesome room that looks straight out of anthro or your adorable family! Can't wait to go see the tour!


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.