Tuesday, November 20, 2012


We usually celebrate Thanksgiving with family.  A couple of years ago, Mark and I started a yearly tradition - a Pre Thanksgiving dinner... just the 5 of us.
(We are heading to NY/NJ tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mark's family.)

We dress up and we ask the kids to write a list of what they are thankful for.
(Simple dinner menu, I printed the free menu template from here.)

We are thankful for family, friends and good health.

Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. You take the best pictures! So gorgeous. And what a great idea to spend a pre-Thanksgiving dinner together. Might have to try that this year (that way I can deck out my dining room too!) Safe travels tomorrow and happy Thanksgiving:)

  2. HAPPY Thanksgiving to you and your family C! I'm thankful to have met you in the last year and have your creativity and talent to call upon anytime I need it!

  3. That is really sweet. Safe driving, and Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. happyThanksgiving to you and your family .That is really beautiful !!!

  5. What a lovely idea, I'm sure the kids will remember this dinners for years to come. I love your set-up too!

  6. I'm honored you used my menu template! It looks lovely on your gorgeous holiday table! Thanks :)

  7. What a great idea! And it really could apply to any major holiday where we travel to be with family. The printed menu is a very sweet touch and getting dressed up always makes an event more special :)

  8. I love the big family gatherings but I think it's so important to start family traditions with just our own little family. This is so perfect. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving Charmaine and family. Your dining pic has me really thinking of the Panton chairs again :) - Brandy

  10. What a great idea lady. Hope you and the fam had a great pre and post Thanksgiving celebration. Here's to a great week.


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