Thursday, September 20, 2012


I've joined a PAINT A RUG PARTY spearheaded by none other than Linda from My Crafty Home Life!  (She is also the creator of the One Room Challenge.)

For this party, we are given three weeks to paint a rug.  It's that simple(I hope).
Here's our schedule...

Week one - Thursday, September 20th, the PLAN
Week two - Thursday, September 27th, the PROGRESS
Week three - Thursday, October 4th, the REVEAL

 My plan is to paint a rug for my office. (Sorry, you're probably tired of hearing me talk about it.)

Here is my inspiration photo...

 I'm not crazy enough to even try and recreate this rug but I am loving the orange rug with the pink bergere.
So orange rug it is!
Since I've never done this before, my goal is to use less money as possible and use materials I already have just in case this project goes south.

Here are some orange rugs I'm liking...

I'm also digging the orange and pink rugs...

{All are Madeline Weinrib rugs except for the 1st one}

Come back next Thursday to see the progress!
Also, make sure to check out the other 11 bloggers participating in this paint a rug party...

Kerry - Design du Monde
Elizabeth - Little Black Door
Jennifer - The Pink Pagoda
Cathy - Room Rx
Junell - Seekers Bazaar


  1. The Primrose Lolita is the winner in my book! Damn that Madeline Weinrib. She is too good. Can't wait to see what you come out with! Wish I were doing it with you girls. Too busy :/

  2. ha! Lindsay said it first, Primrose Lolita is amazing! All the others are pretty too so you really can't go wrong!

  3. The last one is pretty awesome. Loving the pink and orange!

  4. Sounds like fun Charmaine! I like the P & O Wesley myself, but you will do your magic!
    Best of luck and looking forward to your progress.
    xo Nancy

  5. Great inspiration! Love the orange and pink combo too. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  6. Such gorgeous rugs - love the last one!! Can't wait to follow your progress ~

  7. Love your inspiration and your office will one stylish space with any of those! Good Luck!

  8. I love pink and orange....I vote for the last one!

  9. oh i love every one of those MW rugs - they KILL ME. C - what about going to find a nasty old persian at the thrift store and overdying it?!?! I have the best place to go for ANY color to use on a rug - you could make that one in the pic! Either way - you'll be GREAT, can't wait to see!

  10. You have an impressive challenge with the rugs you have shown. That office is going to be stunning. I can't decide, so I will just wait and see. Tough choices.

  11. Ooh, loving your orange inspirations. Your office is going to look amazing! Can't believe you've already painted the campaign desk - you rock!

  12. How exciting. I know you'll come up with something super stylish! Can't wait!

  13. I think you know how much I love orange so any of those rugs will be fab. This painted rug challenge is fab. Never heard of so dying to see the results and to know how they all withstand the daily foot traffic! p.s. please, please kill your word verification!

  14. Love the Primrose Lolita!! Fun challenge!

  15. I love anything Madeline Weinrib does. The Brooke and the Lulu are just so fabulous. Can't wait to see what you do!

  16. Wow, that looks like quite the challenge you've undertaken!! I love the Primrose Lolita although they're all beautiful. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  17. You had me @ Pink & Orange. Love it! Can't wait.

  18. Sounds like a fun challenge - something different. I have always wanted to attempt one of these. Look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

  19. All pretty rugs, looking forward to see which one you pick!

    Have a great weekend!



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