Thursday, September 27, 2012


I love all the Madeline Weinrib rugs I showed you last week but I ended up using this pattern...

The Sherwin Williams Easychange wallpaper from our first bathroom redesign?
(I saved some of it when I took it down)

I cut a portion of the wallpaper

and started tracing the pattern with a sharpie pen...

The area rug is a plain gray rug I got from Big Lots for $20.

Then I painted some of the pattern orange using all purpose acrylic paint from Michael's...

I'm now in the process of painting over the black sharpie with white latex paint...

I ran out of orange acrylic paint before I finished the first coat. I bought flat latex orange paint(Sherwin Williams - fiesta orange) instead for better coverage.  (Notice the color difference of the 3rd and 4th rows from the top.)
It obviously needs a another coat.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to add pink.  
It is very time consuming though!!!

What do you guys think?

Don't forget to check out the other bloggers' progress...
Kerry - Design du Monde
Elizabeth - Little Black Door
Jennifer - The Pink Pagoda
Cathy - Room Rx
Junell - Seekers Bazaar

And come back next Thursday for the Reveal!


  1. Wow! Wow! Wow! This is incredible! Not surprising that you are pulling it off though. You are fab!

  2. Charmaine, it looks fabulous! I love it so much. It does look like a lot of work, but it will be worth it. Maybe cut out a few pink paper shapes and try it before you commit? How does the hardened acrylic feel under your bare feet?
    xo Nancy

  3. I am so jealous! It is wonderful. Would you like to come and paint my rug for me?

  4. that's amazing. btw, I see you used SW easychange wallpaper. I'm thinking of doing that to my bathroom because it's much easier than stenciling with all the cutting in a bathroom requires. can you tell me a bit more of your experience with it? I'd love to hear! Thanks!

  5. Love it!! The orange and pink would look pretty fab together, but I know what you mean about time consuming.

  6. Awesome! DO THE PINK! It will be so worth the extra effort when you're finished!

  7. I have never heard of this easychange wallpaper. I guess the next party will be who wants to wallpaper? This is fantastic. I think you should add pink, but balance the time invested with the return.

  8. Wow, you are rockin' it Charmaine! I think the rug is looking fantastic and see how you feel about layering in the pink once the 2nd coat of orange goes on.
    Cathy @ Room Rx

  9. Wow, girl! It's gorgeous already, I agree with Cathy, I'd wait till you're finished with that part and see what you think about the pink.

  10. Fantastic but obviously very time consuming. The pink will be wonderful if you have the time.

  11. You're quite the over-achiever, aren't you!? Jealous!!

  12. Looking good girl! Cant wait to try this idea myself.

  13. omg C - I am floored (pun intended) by this. LOOKS GREAT. I am so in love with that chair too. Can you please keep it there but cover it in some fuschia velvet?? i love this rug and youre def. getting that LOOK you wanted!

  14. It looks amazing! I love the orange and white! I wish I was this far along on my rug...

  15. oh my gosh! I LOVE it and I think pink would look fab...maybe thrown in once every so often with no real pattern! This is FABULOUS!

    I've announced to the other Rug Party girls that I'm having a give-away over on vivid hue and would love you to enter!

    Can't wait to see the rug next week! Heather

  16. OMG it really looks amazing! You picked an awesome pattern!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  17. I am so impressed, you are so crafty!! Amazing!!

    Laura xoxo

  18. It looks gorgeous already and pink will take it to a different level. You are so very skilled, Charmaine!

  19. would the pink be in the gray part, so that it would be a totally orange and pink rug? Because I think that would look fantastic.

  20. You're killing it here lady. That is a LOT a work. I'm on the fence with adding the pink? Maybe just a tad too busy, not to mention massive more hours of labor! Anywho, good luck getting to the finish line/reveal day. And yes, that office chair and painted desk are looking fab as well.

  21. No way!!! I love it! You are doing such an amazing job. I would actually add pink....i would do a tiny little pink (same shape as the orange just much smaller) in the middle of the brown part and I would add the white border to that little pink....I think it would look amazing!

  22. Why am I not surprised at all that your rug is already looking this good?!

  23. OMG this is soooo incredible!! What an amazing project!!! It looks just perfect!!

  24. Well I have to say that you are knocking it out of the park!!! I can see that "somebody" has a lot of patience with this kind of thing..... :)

  25. It's looking great dear!!! love it! Wether you add pink to it or not, it will still look great! Can't wait!

  26. This is a fabulous idea! I wish I knew about it sooner and I would be in the game :)
    Im a new follower, you have fantastic and creative ideas.

  27. Oh my gosh ~ you are so ambitious & patient! Looks fabulous. I would so add the pink but easy for me to say, right?

  28. Love the pattern and the colors! Looks great!

  29. Wow! Your rug looks beautiful! You have mad skills, Charmaine.

    Looking forward to see the finished product.


  30. This is great. I would create a HOT MESS if I tried this - Brandy


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.