Friday, September 14, 2012


Wow, the expedit didn't get any love from you guys.
I feel the same way so I got the campaign!
I couldn't pass up a good deal.  $80 for both units!  That's more than 50% less than the expedit(not to mention all the baskets you have to buy).
I also like the fact that there are open shelving for my books and tsotchkes and close storage for my not so pretty stuff.

{the end table was sold}

I also like the extra desk space.  I think this will be my sewing area{since I'm an expert sewer now ;) }

Now, the big question is what color paint?
I'm leaning towards a neutral.  White or Gray.  Maybe both.
Don't worry,  I'll incorporate color in other ways.


You know what I'm doing this weekend!
Have a great one!


  1. WOW, what a find! that is going to look FAB! I say go gray! it's too bad the end table was sold too but score on the other cabinet. I can't wait to see the finished project. I'm itching for a DIY'er. post photos after. know ya will

  2. Since I"m a new reader I had to do a little back reading to find out where this was going. I had to laugh when I saw it because I'm currently in the process of setting up my "Mom Cave" in the basement. It's my little office where I can work and have some storage for ME. I love, love, love this new piece and say go soft gray. Did you get the bergere?

  3. Oooo I love it!! Glad you went with this special piece as opposed to the Ikea one (not that there's anything wrong with the Expedit- I really like it!) I can't wait to see this in a soft pretty neutral!

  4. Love what you got!!! They are going to looking amazing!!

  5. Thanks Carol! Hooray for "mom caves"! I did get both chairs. They are sitting in the basement waiting to be reupholstered.

  6. Wahoo! You will make it awesome. I think the grey would look totally fab. Maybe a pattern with the white on the background of the bookshelves?

  7. wow..what a find. can't wait to see what you do!

  8. Yay! I knew you would choose the campaign set. What a super deal. I think you can't go wrong with white or gray (whichever works best in your space). Cannot wait to see the final result.

  9. Lucky girl!!!! That's a grea piece at an even greater price! Check out this post from my friend Samaa

    Good luck!

  10. Grey with gold hardware ~ my favorite if we get a vote!

  11. I vote white, although I seem to be the only one! I think that white will really allow your accessories to shine. I love white.

  12. Haha, I was just at Salvation Army and saw those. Got a little draw leaf Scandinavian table for myself. Enjoy!

  13. Great job! I vote for a medium gray color. Good luck, hope the re-do goes well.
    xo Nancy

  14. I love the medium gray but since your office will be in a basement and these pieces are so large, I think I'd go with white or a lighter gray.


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.