Monday, March 5, 2012


Last week,  the very talented Elizabeth of The Little Black Door tagged me to play along in the 11 Questions game.

Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger posted for you and then create 11 new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
3. Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Let them know you have tagged them. 

Here are my answers to Elizabeth's questions:

1. What room in your house would you change if you had an unlimited budget?
I would love to have a bigger kitchen!
via decor pad

2. What is your decorating trend prediction for 2012?
Personalized art (i.e. own photo)

3. If someone where to show up at your house right now, would it be presentable? (i.e. - clean)
No!  The house is so dusty with all the renovation going on!

4. What was your favorite blog post?
I would have to say the post that got the most comments... Bathroom Redesign:  The Reveal

5. Music or Movies?

6. If you had your own show on HGTV, what would it be called?
My Best Friend Craig or something like Craigslist it!  I would decorate a room with just craigslist finds.

7. What is your favorite low budget project?
Painting my kitchen cabinets white!

8. What was your first decorating disaster?
The floor tiles in the main floor bathroom.

9. What was your first decorating success?
I really love how our living and dining rooms turned out.

10. What is the one design related task you hate doing? (i.e. painting trim, sanding furniture, hanging curtains)
Definitely painting and sanding!

11. What is your favorite cocktail?
I'm a gin and tonic kind of girl.

Here are 11 lovely ladies I'm tagging:

Beth of  The Blue Room
Nancy of Powell Brower Home
Suzy of SavedbySuzy
Samantha of BlackVelvet Chair
Katrina of Chic Little House
Stacy of Sugar Scout
Tara of The Silver Lining
Rachel of Suite Revival
Dara of Habersham Haven
Maureen of Inspired Mrs. Stevens
Cathy of Room Rx

Here are my 11 questions for them to answer:
1.  What is your design style?
2.  What is your favorite room in your house?
3. What is your dream vacation?
4.  What is your favorite city?
5.  Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter?
6.  What is your proudest DIY project?
7.  What is your biggest indulgence?
8. What is your favorite food?
9.  Lake house or condo in the city?
10.  What is your most treasured item in your home?
11.  What is the last book you read?


  1. Love your answers! Thanks for playing along!! :)

  2. Charmaine - So excited to be a part of this! I will link up later today!

  3. Thanks for including me, Charmaine! I'm looking forward to doing this!

  4. Thanks Charmaine, I'd love to play along! I'll post it fun. Thanks for thinking me!
    Hope you have a great day


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