Friday, March 7, 2014


First of all, thank you all for the warm welcome on Monday.
 I've noted all the cities you suggested and I'll be sure to do all of them in the following weeks.

 I scored a pair of Milo Baughman-style parsons chairs a couple of months ago and I'm having a hard time committing to a fabric to recover them with.

Option 1, Leopard.

We all know Ally of "From the Right Bank" is the queen of parsons chairs.

She has this gorgeous velvet leopard pair...

and another pair recovered in a fun chinoiserie fabric...

which leads me to option 2, fun patterned fabric.

Sally Wheat


Option 3, plain velvet...

(contrasting piping is not a bad idea either.)

Decisions, decisions!  

And to give you a better perspective, they are going in the living room...
(I'm not committed to any of the pillows so those can be changed)

which is right next to the dining room...

Gah!  Help!


  1. I'm thinking not solid velvet. You already have blue velvet on the dining chairs and grey velvet on the sofa. Other than that I'm afraid I'm not much help.

  2. Ooh, that's hard. My first thought is solid, because I get scared, :) but I think with your solid couches and the velvet dining chairs, you've got to go bold. I say just go with a classic pattern of some sort (you can never go wrong with a good animal print) and you'll be happy with them for a very long time!

  3. With all your solids, I would definitely mix it up with a pattern. Of course, picking one is the hard part. I'm leaning toward the La Fiorentina. Something bold and graphic and colorful! Or if you find a great priced chinoiserie fabric (a la Ally) that could be awesome too. You can't go wrong with those chairs. So jealous you have a pair (I just have a lonely single). ;)

  4. I like the leopard the most - all are nice but because you have many solids and in the same hues (blues and navy) a little "shake up" just to throw in a pop of unexpectedness in the room. I am so loving your finds! Do you do the upholstery yourself or will you be outsourcing it?

  5. Since you already have fab solids and velvets, I say go big my friend! Pick your favorite pattern and go for it. They are going to look amazing!

  6. I would go for pattern dear. you already have 2 solid pieces in the space so I think going bold would be your best bet! Good luck!

  7. Thanks so much for featuring my Milo chairs! I got the link sent to me by a friend! Mine are also the blue with contrasting piping...that original pattern was torn (so sad!) so you have both the "before" and the "after"! Can't wait to see what you do with yours!

    -Evie, FINDS

  8. Those petal pink velvet chairs slay me every time! I think that would be great, but pattern is fun and hides wear better. Pattern is a great way to create interest and be creative. I'd go with pattern.

  9. I think leopard trumps all! :) With all of your solid upholstery already, I think these are crying out for a pattern!

  10. They're gorgeous lucky girl!! I agree a pattern would make a great statement!

  11. The texas etagere people never I'm assuming they sold it...booooo.....I vote for have the solid sofas.... and solids in the dining room....upholster them in something different that is not all around the internet (ie not leopard) and start a trend....take your time, find a fab fabric and go for it. oh and I'm reupholstering the chairs I bought from you in pink velvet. You will see them eventually!

  12. What about a sold on the wood pieces and a pattern on the cushions?

  13. I say go with a pattern! You already have solid sofas. I made that mistake....solid chairs and solid sofas so I had to go purchase a big piece of art!

  14. "Queen of the Parsons" I love it! :) Looking at what's going on in the two rooms, I vote for a pattern too. Can't wait to see how they turn out!

  15. I like patterned fabric on upholstered furniture but I get tired of them easily. Since you have a lot of neutral furniture in your living room, perhaps you can consider picking a solid yet vibrant velvet fabric like hot pink, Hermes orange, lime green or lemon yellow (colors that make a statement yet without the crazy patterns). You can always add patterns using throw pillows. Hope that helps, just my two cents.



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