Wednesday, November 27, 2013


We had our Pre-Thanksgiving dinner last Sunday. (A yearly tradition that Mark and I started a few years ago).

I am thankful to all of you and all your sweet comments on the ORC Challenge!
Thanks for continually reading my blog despite my radio silence.
(I promise I'll try to be a better blogger)

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!


  1. Your dining room looks awesome. Happy Thanksgiving to your beautiful family! Such a sweet picture.

  2. precious family. your dining room rocks. love coming here and seeing the stuff you find and the things you are doing.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving!! Your table looked lovely :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! You dining room is one of my favourites too. Love it!

  5. Your family is lovely and, of course, your home is too.

  6. I hope you all had a lovely holiday. Now on to the big one! Have a great week, and I understand your silence! I love your dining room! xo Nancy

  7. We are a blended family with five children. Because of the alternating holiday years, I've had Thanksgiving on a weekend for many years now, since the children were little. I LOVE the holiday and wanted to make sure my stepchildren and in-laws were always a part of it.
    Now they are teenagers and heading to college and I am so glad I started this "tradition"; they will be able to spend the Thursday with significant others or future families with no conflict, and I will still be able to spend a meaningful, traditional day with my babes.
    You will be thankful you've begun this, as well!


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.