Friday, May 3, 2013


If you follow me on Instagram (@mybestfriendcraig), you may have known that I finished painting the credenza for Mark's office.  I also finished reupolstering one of the two lucite and chrome chairs...

(I used navy velvet fabric I purchased from JoAnn's on clearance at $9/yard!)

I also went thrifting yesterday and literally gasped when I saw this...
a fiberglass spun bar stool.  I wished there were 2 but one for $15,  I can't complain.
This is going to the kitchen area in the basement.  I'm going to spray paint it white and have a cushion made maybe with hot pink linen with contrasting orange piping?

I also spotted some chairs that have good bones (but didn't get)...
love the wing detail on this one, $50

And a pair of this chair for $20 each.

Why am I so drawn to chairs?!!
I swear, it's going to be hard to choose a chair to bring to upholstery class(when I finally take one).

My sister sent me this link that I wanted to share because I think it's pretty cool..

 It's art...

and a chair at the same time...

Canvas Furniture by a Japanese Design Studio, YOY.  
It is made of aluminum and wood frame covered with elastic fabric printed with a texture of canvas and a drawing of a chair.  You lean it against the wall!
Cool, right?!  

And lastly, I also spotted this at Homegoods...
a white ceramic horse bowl a la Jonathan Adler!  $24. 

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Chair how, how ingenius! Have a great weekend Chairmaine!
    xo Nancy

  2. I share your chair "pain/addiction" Charmaine! Those are some amazing finds! Enjoy the "spring?" week-end ahead!

  3. Ok, that credenza color looks amazing. Great choice!

  4. Love the yellow arm chair - where is it? I want it!

  5. I'm obsessed with chairs too! It's a major problem according to my hubby ;) and that barstool, aaaamazing! Love your finds!

  6. The yellow chair is at Salvation Army in Waukesha!

  7. I'm ridiculously obsessed with chairs as well! I find myself falling for one everywhere I go!

  8. I saw that horse bowl at HomeGoods also. I picked it up and carried it around the store as I tried to think of where I'd put it in my home. I couldn't come up with a spot that needed something or where I wanted to switch out the current stuff for something new so I put it back on the shelf and walked away. Boo! I wish I could figure out where to put it as I really like it. It's a pretty bold accessory for not a lot of $$.

  9. I can totally relate to the chair obsession. The chair art is intriguing.

  10. Too bad I already scored the best find from Salvation Army. I'm thinking bright teal blue.


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