Friday, February 22, 2013


I never shy away from color so it's no surprised that I'm loving these two-toned furniture...


  Love the element of surprise!

Speaking of two-tone, if you're looking to buy a new wallet I highly recommend this...

I got mine(flame/fuchsia) yesterday and I'm totally in love!  
It has a place for everything(hopefully this will keep me organized!), it comes in different colors and the quality of the leather is great!  (I've never been this excited about a wallet before)

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I love interiors of things painted a different color, from closets to drawers, desks, etc.! wonderful Charmaine.
    Love your new wallet. Have a great weekend.
    xo Nancy

  2. Oh are those gorgeous! Are you going to add one to your home Charmaine? It would look fab.....

  3. LOVE love LOVE these pieces! I actually do tend to shy away from color but this seems like the perfect pop in my all white home!

  4. I'm still keeping my eye out for a great secretary for my front hall. And to paint it some fun color inside, love it. Some day...

  5. Love those Charmaine! Glad you love your wallet! I have 2 faves - both zip-ups, one in leather and one in nylon,. :-)

  6. awesome secretaries, gal! I love that painted interior look. donna


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