Wednesday, February 13, 2013


 Remember the Aurora ikat fabric I got from Calico corners?  Well, I took it home with me to Manila and had some pillows made for me and my sister, Choc. (2 for me and 2 for her)...

(my sister's living room)
But I ended up giving all 4 to her.   Oh, and that's the light fixture we got from our shopping trip to Dapitan.

In return, she gave me this handwoven Yakan fabric from Basilan Island, a southern province of the Philippines...

I had a couple of pillows made too...

I love how the pillows remind me of home.  Win-win!

Speaking of home, I also got this wooden sculpture from my dad's province in Laguna...

It depicts a childhood game we used to play called "luksong baka".

Nate would be proud of me,  I'm starting to fill our home with treasures that matter the most.

The kids are off for the rest of the week so we are taking a mini vacation to the Dells.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone and enjoy your weekend!
Be back Monday!


  1. Love that fabric! And that sculpture will make you smile every time you look at it! What a treasure!

  2. So cool how your new treasures remind you of your childhood and home. Very special and very pretty!

  3. I love that Aurora Ikat, but your pillows are awesome, too. It is so wonderful that the things you are filling your home with all have a meaningful story! That is THE best decorating ever.
    xo Nancy

  4. I love the pillows you had made for her, very sweet sister of you :) And I adore the handwoven fabric she gave to you its amazing!! And the wooden sculpture is amazing - I love items that tell a story and have a history behind them

  5. The pillows are beautiful and Nate is right, what a great story to go with them. Makes you love them even more. And that sculpture just makes me smile :)

  6. I do believe Nate would be proud. :)
    Your pillows look great!

  7. great exchange Charmaine!! I'm inlove with that sculpture too! Do they have kids playing SIPA?! :-)

    I totally understand why your starting to imcorporate things from our country into your home, I try to do that as well and also I think my love of texture - rattan, ropes, jute, etc, stems from the fact that it does remind me of home a lot. Waaaah, getting homesick again! :-)

  8. LOVE this! There is something so special about a collected home. When you fill it with things that are important to you I think the love comes across in the design!

  9. What beautiful pillows! And I love the sentimental objects in your home.

  10. Love the colorful textiles and all of your little touches - makes your home so special!

  11. I saw that Nate interview, too. Yes, perfectly loved pieces. Great pillow swap story.

  12. I love the pillows, but the sculpture truly is priceless...I have memories of playing leap frog, too! :)

  13. Great pillow sawp there lady. I LOVE that sculpture and that it depicts a childhood game. So, so special. The best gems to have in the home. Happy V Day as well and enjoy the time away with the fam.

  14. you are such a good sister! I love your new pillows too! I used to play this game....we had a different name for it of course. So fun!!

  15. Perfect, sentimental additions! And psst- you won on the pillow deal :)

  16. Very cool pillows. Love how they turned out. - Brandy


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