Friday, January 4, 2013


Hi Everyone!  Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here.  It's been busy around here and I'm just getting over a cold (way to start the new year!).

Have you taken down your Christmas decorations yet?  I'm dreading it.

I wish I was this organized.
New Year's resolution, maybe... declutter and get organized!
(good luck to me!)

Have a Great Weekend!


  1. I was happy to put everything away and have the house back to normal. I'm glad you are feeling better!

  2. I did but it sure isn't as fun as putting them up. I wish I was more organized like that too.

  3. I happily put every thing away this week. I agree that it is nice to have everything back to normal. I hope you feel better soon. Yels x

  4. I have also been dreading it! I did it today- I also still have a full bag waiting to be unpacked! Not into it right now!!

    Laura xoxo

  5. Hey lady. That nasty cold bug had many of us sidelined but welcome back to the living. My meager decorations are all down and tucked away but here's to also getting better organized this year. Here's to some amazing things for 2013.

  6. I haven't taken down decorations yet as I'm kind of enjoying the lights on the tree and looking at Christmas cards displayed...maybe at the end of January?! hah


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.