Friday, January 11, 2013


Do you have one? (Who doesn't, right?!).  I've had mine for almost 2 years now...
{tiny one!}

Until it started to lose its leaves...

  I read here  that some fiddle leaf trees drop its leaves when exposed to too much dry heat/drafts and they go into a dormant recovery phase.  (Placing it next to the fireplace especially in the winter is probably not the best idea. Ha!)
I'm the first to admit that I have a black thumb(2 years is such an accomplishment!) and I don't know what to do.  Is it time to throw it out or shall I wait and see?

I would love to see this tree grow...
like this!  I found this guy at my local nursery ON SALE for $17!!!  I couldn't resist!
(I placed it next to the fireplace for comparison but I'm moving it next to the window or tv)

But seriously, what should I do with the tiny one?


  1. I am the same way, they are living things afterall. I hang onto plants until someone walks in and says "omg your plant is totally dead" :( This just happened with my gardenia plant which 6 months ago was full of fragrant flowers happily on my patio. Indoors, he didn't like so much. If you got a new one toss the old one.

  2. Oy, I have even more of a black thumb so clueless! Best of luck. I think Jessie at Mix and Chic has one so message her to see if she has any survival tips?

  3. I have looked everywhere to buy one of these! Can't believe the deal you found...just wish I could help in the "what to do about the little one" department...I too seem to have a black thumb!

  4. I had the same problem with mine! It started dropping leaves a couple of months ago. The nursery said if that happened to call and talk to their fiddle leaf fig whisperer, which I haven't done yet. I put mine near my french doors for the light but unfortunately, that's also right near our heating ducts. I imagine that's the problem. I need to move mine and see if it helps. I'll let you know if I find anything out from the "whisperer"!

  5. I want one of those so bad! :)Good know know they are a good affordable price:) Can the little one go in your living room or dining room, I hope the leaves come back on the little one

  6. C - I have this same problem. I bought a huge huge one last year and that sucker cost me a pretty penny and I had to eventually throw him in the woods, because it looked like I was collecting sticks. I thought Id be ok because it said not too direct or intense light, so because I like in the woods, I kept him near the window. He still dropped the leaves or they'd turn brown. I also read they dont like drafts, so I dont know what it was!!!! But I had a littler one that I took to rehab at my mom's house and we put it in her sunroom and now it's the healthiest looking thing ever. small but full and beautiful. i guess it loves her sunroom and all the light and warmth...?

  7. $17???? What a STEAL! Looks great- hope it stays that way :)

    xoxo, Emily

  8. Like everyone else, I too want one of those puppies! Have no idea what to do about your less-than-desirable one now...I'd think if you babied it somehow, it'd come back. I'm hoping my orchid comes back...another tough plant to grow! Love your new one and that price...totally awesome.

  9. I'm having sort of the same dilemma....not sure what to do with the original one I bought. It was tall and huge but it started dropping leaves and so I took a saw to it and started trimming the branches back (I was told by the nursery and searches online you can do so if it's dying on the top). But now it's not much of a tree at all and I actually hate the way it looks BUT the thing is thriving like no one's's got a TON of new leaves (no more naked cut branches).

    I just don't have the heart to throw it out b/c it's growing leaves like crazy but it's just not pretty nor does it even resemble much of a fig tree like you see so many pics of!!!! Still trying to decide what to do with the poor guy. =(

  10. I'm no help. I can only keep orchids alive. - Brandy

  11. Sorry I'm no help. You've kept it alive longer than I ever would have. :)

  12. It's doing great in my sun room, but the key is to only water it when it is completely dried out, alot of sun, and don't move it!
    Best of luck. They are so gorgeous, it's worth it to try again! When I took Bethany's over it was a dead twig and it has about 10 leaves right now, so there's hope!
    xo Nancy

  13. I have always wanted one, but never got around to it. I'm glad I didn't because I don't do well with indoor plants. I am curious to see what happens.


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