Monday, January 21, 2013


Hi Everyone! I'm pleased to have Linda here today.  Like me, she has a knack for finding great deals on Craigslist.  She's also the most thoughtful blogger I know.  Thanks Linda, for guest posting for me today!
 Check out her great finds...

Hello Craigslist-aholics. I'm Linda from the blog My Crafty Home Life, and I am addicted to Craigslist. 

Charmaine and I are able to be friends because we don't live near each other. If we did live near each other we would definitely be scouting many of the same finds. I would like to think that I could beat her to it.....but I have a feeling I would be the one receiving the "sorry, it's no longer available" emails instead.
Let me show you some of the Craigslist goodies I was able to find. 

I found an antique bed 

I painted it, and then upholstered it for my daughter. 

She is actually ready to have it made over again.....Teens!

I found these great is so hard to find a pair of anything

I painted them and placed them over dressers in my master bedroom.

You can see the rest of my master bedroom here

I hit the Craigslist lottery with this coffee table

You can read about the estimated value here

My most recent purchase is this Altar table.

You can read about it, and weigh in on the vote here

I love Craigslist for the obvious has no re-sale value. Unless it is a fine antique, just like a car, as soon as you take it home it has depreciated. 

Here is my biggest secret weapon for Craigslist hunting... this iPhone app.  I usually hunt while I am waiting for the kids to get out of school. Now you know my biggest secret and if you live in New Jersey....I was kidding, I don't do any of this.

Thanks for having me, Charmaine.


  1. Always love your CL finds, Linda. Your daughter's bed is amazing!

  2. You have awesome luck! My post tomorrow is on how bad my CL is. I still enjoy seeing other people's scores. I am coveting your coffee table.

  3. Whoa, Linda! That bed!!! You have incredible vision.

  4. Your daughter's bed.....LOVE it, want one for my daughter, tho like yours she would probably want to re-do it every other week. You definitely have a CL knack, just like Charmaine!

  5. We just love you two ladies and your mad CL skills. I'm sure it takes hours looking at the site, which I don't do. I say I don't find much on there, but I don't look as much as you ladies do I will bet. You both are the most creative at turning a 'find' into something spectacular!
    So proud to know you both!
    xo Nancy

  6. Your mirrors are my fave, especially painted pink! Too amazing.

  7. Linda you always find the best stuff. That bed is ridiculous. I want it.

  8. Linda and Charmaine, you ladies have such an eagle eye for Craigslist. I too am obsessed and glad I don't live in either of your towns! Great finds, Linda. My favorite is that brass coffee table!

  9. I love you ladies and your awesomeness at finding treasures on Craigslist!

  10. so funny! I love the mirrors...and I remember about that coffee and Charmaine need to help me break the dallas market...I can never find anything!!

  11. Thanks for having me, Charmaine. Thanks everyone for you kind comments. I just picked up a mirror yesterday. Do they have rehab for this?

  12. Wow what a collection of great finds! I really need to get in on this, I feel like I have yet to find my buried treasure! That antique bed is amazing.

  13. Linda, I've never done craigslist, but have many friends who get amazing things there. Love that gold table.

  14. Wow, that bed is gorgeous. I really don't think many people have the ability to do what you and Charmaine do to this degree. Amazing finds!

  15. A Craigslist App? Ya gotta be kidding me. You are so ahead of the game. Loved that coffee table and your daughter's bed was a stunning makeover. I've been stalking CL these days as well. Drove an hour to Palm Beach to pick up some amazing chairs. Can't wait to have em reupholstered. Have a fab week lady.

  16. How have I never seen your daughter's bed before?! Wait, that sounds know what I mean. Love it!!

  17. That bed is amazing! You two are the queens of great CL finds!

  18. You know how to find some incredible things! I'm using the app you recommend and having much better success. I only hope you and Charmaine don't have any Dallas area readers : )

  19. I love how you placed the mirrors above the side tables and love the gold design on those side tables. Are those overlays on Ikea malm dressers? Looks so beautiful!

  20. I have uncovered a few treasures courtesy of the craig myself. Just so few and far between in these parts!

  21. You are truly lucky, and patient Linda, to get all those gorgeous pieces. My favorite is the coffeetable and the mirrors in your bedroom!

  22. I seriously need and covet that coffee table!!!! I love Linda and agree she is the most thoughtful blogger I know. Love me some Linda!! -Brandy

  23. Have you thought about doing this with this bed? Love this idea of painting a stripe; very modern:


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.