Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Donna from A Perfect Gray recently re-posted a photo of her growth wall...

She originally posted this 2 years ago as part of "What makes a house a home" post.
I've always loved this idea and I've been meaning to do something similar for the kids since then.
(I don't know why I waited this long)

I wanted to make a growth chart that we could take along with us if we move...

{I painted a piece of wood white (1x5x6), stenciled the numbers with sharpie, and nailed it in place}
Easy peasy!

I've seen a lot of versions online but I liked the idea of custom fitting it to a door frame or post.
(I got this idea from my friend Leslie)

I love how it turned out and the kids are pretty excited!
{We are going to measure them New year's day then every six months after}

Thanks Donna and Leslie for the inspiration!
Do you have a growth chart at home?  Do share!

The Nate Berkus book giveaway ends tomorrow!  Enter here now!


  1. fantastic idea. I have marked right on the door frame for 20 years, so we can't ever move..or I'll cut it out and take it with me! Great idea Charmaine. Your daughter is precious. Happy Holidays!
    xo Nancy

  2. So fun!!! Wish I had done this with my kids. My aunt used a piece of wood as well and when she remodeled her home years later, she retained that in the design. My now grown cousins still love that it is a part of their family home.

  3. I don't have one but I sure wish I had done something like this. My kids are older now so it's too late. You just don't realize how quickly time goes, even though every parent before you tells you so!

  4. I love this! We just mark the actual door frame so it is going to be hard to take that with us if we ever move!

  5. I love this idea and I'm totally stealing it. :) So cute!

  6. So cute! My husband just writes directly on the wall. I guess we are never moving :) - Brandy

  7. Sorry, I wasn't paying much attention to the chart - she is so darn cute and that dress, adorable!

  8. Loves! Genius! Definitely a great idea to make it moveable for the next home. And for longevity's sake i.e. the kids can one day share with their own kids.

  9. Good Thinking! We had ours on a wall in our basement and it couldn't be salvaged when we did some remodeling! Bummer!

  10. So cute! I had to leave one behind in an old house. Not recommended for sentimental people like me.:(

  11. That is so precious! Will be an amazing keepsake in the future! Love it!

    Laura xoxo

  12. oh, this is precious. I really like your take on the growth chart. You'll always be glad you did it! donna


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