Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I am down with a cold.  It's been several days and it's not getting any better!

Although, it didin't stop me from picking up these vintage elephant bookends yesterday...
I feel a little better already!  :)

(I need an elephant intervention!)

Hope to be back soon!


  1. THat would make me feel better too!! Rest as much as you can, this bug is fierce!

  2. Hope you're feeling better soon, I've had it for almost 2 weeks. The other day at TJ Maxx a stranger asked me if I wanted a cough drop. :)

  3. Hehe, only you could find a cold remedy at the thrift shop. priceless. feel better soon and thanks for the anniversary wishes!

  4. I'm so sorry you're under the weather! That's the worst - especially as a mom. No elephant intervention needed - those bookends are too cute (as is the tissue holder). Get well soon!

  5. Im sorry youre sick! I hope you feel better soon! Funny how you still manage to pick up something wonderful:)- that's when you know youre addicted I guess..LOVE it.
    xo Nancy

  6. Sorry you are sick. I blogged about yesterday's adventure so if you need a good laugh about how crazy I am check it out. Hope you get to feeling better soon. - Brandy

  7. I hope you feel better soon, but knowing there's 2 doc in the house makes me feel sure about this too. Love the elephants!

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon! The elephants are lovely :-)

  9. Feel better Charmaine! Loving those bookends and LOVING that you helped a friend find her dream wallpaper. You are a great person!

  10. We've all been sick around here too. Hope you're feeling better soon!


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