Friday, October 12, 2012


 We've finally put up some Halloween decorations...
{ghosts made of styrofoam balls and white remnant fabric}
My daughter, Alex, did the faces by using black foam board.

{For those of you who asked, here's our front door and the color of the brick.  I just realized that I can't just paint the door itself(or can I?),  I think I have to paint the frame and the storm door too.  What do you think?  And Mark said no to removing the storm door already.
The porch lights need to be replaced too, eventually.}

This is an oldie but goodie.  Mice silhouettes by Martha Stewart...
Got mine from Michael's.
It is a great toddler gate alternative for your little one. :)  My daughter refused to climb the stairs after I installed these decals.  

Branches from the yard spray painted black.  I added the ghosts and spider from Target's dollar section...

Black crow from Michael's...

Gourds spray painted white from our Apple Picking outing...

Do you decorate for Halloween?

We are off to California  for a little vacation!  The kids are excited to go to Cars Land while Mark and I are looking forward to go back to Sonoma where we got married 9 years ago! 

  I have a couple of guest posts lined up for you next week.

Have a great weekend!


  1. happy anniversary C - i hope you have a lovely time!! are you and mark eating at any of the great haunts in sonoma to celebrate?!?!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on nine years Charmaine! SO happy for you and your family. I love the black branches and those mice on the stairs. spooky.

  3. My kids get so mad that we don't have a full-on graveyard in our front yard...! Have a good weekend

  4. happy anniversary! LOVE IT ALL...we are having a Halloween party so I may have to borrow some of these ideas!

  5. we are so on the same page! i have ghosts hanging on my porch and a small little cemetery i made out of plywood! i posted ours on monday. i love all the little touches inside.... LOVE the mice!

  6. Happy Anniversary!! You'll be in my neck of the woods, I hope you enjoy your time out here! :)

  7. Have an amazing trip to Ca! I love your halloween decor! And I say paint that door! You can always change it back if you dont like it but how cool would it be to come home to a big fun pop of color!? Have an AMAZING weekend, gorgeous!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  8. We painted our doors a kelly green color and left the casings and storm doors white. I think it looks great. If we painted all that green, it might be too much.

    BTW, I just stumbled across your blog yesterday and have been poking around. I have a couple of the same pieces as you... the gold stacked table in your living room (I think you stacked 2 together.?.) I have the same ones that I use as our coffee table(s) in our living room. I also have the same Land's End chenille throw in turquoise. Small world!!

  9. I honestly think that those rats would scare me late at night. You are a good mom to just go with it.

  10. Have a wonderful vacation in CA Charmaine! I hope you get a break and get to relax. Have some wine in Sonoma for me!
    xo Nancy

  11. Happy anniv! Yup, I go gaga for Halloween, not so crazy this year as before but with kids around, you know you really have to decorate for them! Have the rats too but made some more by tracing the originals. Enjoy Cali!

  12. Looks great.... I especially love your black crow next to the urn and the spider atop the bust in the cloche! Happy vacation!

  13. Love the decor. Have a glass of wine for me!! - Brandy


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