Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Remember this pink tufted chair from Pieces?
It sold for $1400!
Apparently it is very rare and unique.

Well, I found its long lost brothers...

Aaaghh! I die.

There is a catch though.  "The bases need welding in two easy areas".
What do you guys think?  Shall I get them?
Any experience or advice on re-welding chrome chairs?


  1. I have no idea about welding but I bet you can figure something out and you will be shocked that you ever debated them when they are all done!

  2. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, YES YES. I bet it will be OK. Someone can do it! And PS - can you PUHLEASE cover in like pink ostrich?

  3. You have to get them. I am sure you can find a welder in your area to do this. If anything start calling around now and find out...but don't wait to long because someone is going to grab those quick. Good luck!

  4. OMG! $1400?!!! You lucky girl, that's a lot of dough! Good for you! I dunno much about welding at all, better ask a professional on that, because welding it I think would be easy, but how it looks after? That's the big question!

  5. girl, yes, get them! how much are they asking? make sure you bargain them down, but I totally think it's worth it. If you're gonna use them yourself, you might not even notice that the bases are jacked up.

    excited for you!

  6. Whoop! You go girl......awesomeness!

  7. Those are some amazing chairs! Get em. Stat! I once had a faucet welded by an autobody shop. You'll just need to polish it up when they're done.

  8. OMG. I swear you find the coolest stuff. If you lived in Oklahoma, I would have no problem matching you with a welder. Ha! AND if I lived near your Craigslist sources, I would try to get to those chairs first! TeeHee:)

  9. You have to!! Yes!! I bet you can find someone...on Craigslist who can weld. Too fab to pass up!!

  10. Great finds, Charmaine. You should definitely get them before they are gone!



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