Monday, July 30, 2012


Put The Lotion In The Basket

Hi everyone and thanks Charmaine for having me as a guest post today to tell one of my crazy Craigslist experiences.  I think everyone knows the movie the title of my post comes from but if not, it's from the cult classic Silence of the Lambs.  My Craigslist tale has a slight Hannibal Lecter vibe but you will see that it all turned out great and it makes for a good story. 

It all began when I saw this add on Craigslist:

"12 way hand solid wood frame tied neutral chenille sectional sofa with button tufted back made in the mid 1950's. I purchased this last summer from a record producer in Nashville. I have had it in storage till May. It is simply to large for my apartment. super comfortable. A twelve way hand tied sofa is the highest quality sofa that can be purchased and will last forever, as you can see from the pictures. firm cash price. delivery not available. This center section of the sectional will stand alone and the two end sections can be placed together"

Ok, I'll admit, not the best picture ever but I could tell it had potential and I had been looking for a mid-century style sectional for my den for months.  So, I make the call to schedule a viewing.  The bad news is I'm fourth in line to see it.  The more unusual news is the owner has recently slipped in a restaurant, broken his jaw and has it wired shut for the next month.  I can barely understand the guy and I'm not sure if his name is Keith or Steve.  At this point, I assume it's a lost cause with four people in front of me.  A few days go by and I check in with Keith/Steve.  One caller changed his mind and the others were no shows.  I schedule a time to see it and plan to bring Melissa, my BFF, with me for back-up.  As we are walking out the door to leave, my phone rings and it's Keith/Steve.  He proceeds to tell me that the apartment we are headed to is not his.  It is his younger brothers who is currently in rehab.  He lent the sofa to his bother to use after his last stint in rehab and just wanted me to be prepared for maybe a less than hygienic living situation.  At this point, I'm thinking "what am I getting myself into?"  So being the adventurers we are, we still go to meet Keith/Steve.  We get to the apartment, Keith/Steve is a very nice guy with a wired up jaw.  The sectional is even better than I had imagined and I'm happy to say no hypodermic needles or drug paraphernalia to be seen.

The moral of this story is don't let a guy with his mouth wired shut and an addict heading to rehab stop you from buying the perfect sofa.  Here is a current picture (ignore the carpet, it's going away soon :)

Brandy from Chateau À Gogo

That is a great sectional!  Thanks for sharing your find with us Brandy!  You are one brave lady.
Check out more awesome pics of Brandy's home here.

Happy Monday!


  1. whoa! i need a huge sectional like that! but a new house to fit it first :)

  2. That was indeed one of our funniest adventures ever and will kill you if you ever sell that sofa!

  3. Love that story...hilarious! Way to get 'em Brandy/Melissa!

  4. Wow! You were brave to go to that apartment! I think the oth moral lesson of the story is, make sure you always go and view pieces WITH SOMEONE all the time just in case the guy turns out to be psycho! LOL!

    hey Charmaine, that's a great POST- To-BE, how to be wary of sellers on craigsllist and the do's and dont's of Craigslist shopping. :-)

  5. Agreed! Always take back-up. - Brandy

  6. Love this story - I've heard it in person, and it's even funnier with all Brandy and Melissa's storytelling skills. I'm just glad to finally see the sofa involved. Definitely worth it!

  7. I agree with everyone and I always leave the address I'm going to with another person. This sofa is great. I have been on the hunt for a vintage sectional, myself. Great job.


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