Friday, May 18, 2012


Thank you all for your great tips for the rummage sale!
We actually started yesterday and it went pretty well.  The kids had a blast.

While outside, I had the chance to take some pictures of a project we recently did...
placing a retaining wall around our Hickory tree.

This is how it looked like before...
{such an eyesore especially with all the haphazardly placed plants}

Now it looks more structured and it provides a great seating area while I watch the kids play in our cul-de-sac.

I'm running the rummage today then I'm off to Cali tomorrow for a wedding.  Be to sure to come back next week.  I'm finally done with the kids' bathroom!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Nice work! Just wondering, how high is it? Is it good enough for sitting, that would be huge plus for you if ever. :-)

  2. What a difference that retaining wall makes! I love how neat and crisp it is. Your home is beautiful Charmaine! Good luck with the sale today and your trip! Have a ball.
    xo Nancy


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.