Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I realized I haven't shared any pictures of my daughter's Nursery.

 Since we got rid of most of our baby stuff when we moved from NY to WI, the biggest challenge is working with what we have. Sabrina is our 3rd (and last!) child so I refuse to buy anything new. The only thing I purchased is the crib which I got from Craigslist. It is safe to say that I only spent about $100 on this room...

{My favorite element is the DIY frames wallpaper - I used contact paper and permanent marker inspired by Graham and Brown.}

{The bird mobile is another DIY}

The room is tiny and is actually a bonus room off of my other daughter's room (separated by a walk-in closet).  It will eventually be their study room/library.


  1. Seriously awesome. Love to see eclectic, no matchy-match stuff. Your wallpaper is so great I might have to copy you!

  2. Darling room- love the wallpaper and the Eames chair and the rug, and , and and....all of it

  3. So creative! And I love the Eames lounger! So much more chic that the usual baby's room.

  4. That is the greatest baby room I have ever seen! She's a lucky girl.

  5. how did you attach the contact paper to the wall? just the regular adhesive it came with or did you prep it some how? I have contact paper I'm thinking of using as wallpaper but I"m not sure how to go about it. Thanks!

  6. My first thought upon scrolling down was, "ooh, she sprang for the G&B wallpaper!". Your DIY job looks GREAT..wouldn't have expected all that for $100 (and when did you move to WI??).

  7. holy cow, that is creative! I love that you have an Eames chair in a nursery. I'm glad you started blogging again, you have such a beautiful home.

  8. That wallpaper idea is so wonderful!! Wow, great job - looks so great!

  9. The wallpaper idea was totally brilliant!! So cute and what a great idea to use intact paper!


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