Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Just a quick update on our deck.  Remember our pretty beat up deck..

After 1 coat of stain...

I am proud to say that I did this all by myself!{husband was out of town}   
A second coat is recommended for durability.  I like the shade I picked out but not loving it{hate when that happens!}  I might have to use a darker, less orangey stain for the next coat.  What do you think?
I'll share a step-by-step how to once done.


  1. I'm jealous!You have a big yard & a deck! Go for white! Well, not sure, I just adore white wooden floors!

  2. Your deck is huge! Looks brand new -- it looks brown to me & nice, maybe in certain lighting it looks orange-ish?

  3. what a fabulous deck! I have been wanting to stain our patio for awhile, I need the courage:)

  4. looks like a brand new deck. Great job! I like the color.

  5. WOW! You are amazing! Maybe go a bit darker...but really, this looks great!
    So impressed!


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.