Monday, April 5, 2010


Last week,  A Perfect Gray suggested that we post ideas about what makes a house a home.
We've only been in our house for 8 months but friends and family are impressed at the amount of work we've put in to do just that.  I believe by simply adding  photos and personal art instantly transforms a house to a home.

My husband and I are both away from our families.  His siblings are in NY and my entire family and his parents are in the Philippines.  We have a wall of photos, old and new, in our family room to remind us of them.  Sort of a haphazard family tree if you will.

For our 5th wedding anniversary(traditional gift -wood), my thoughtful husband gave me this...

A lovely painting of  our wedding church(with our wedding car!) in Petaluma, CA

and I gave him these...

Stenciled portraits of our kids.  It was actually pretty easy once you find the right picture.  I followed this tutorial.

My sister in law gave us this when my daughter was born
It is a birth announcement painted in canvas.  I love it!  I think it is a great way of remembering the details of her birth.  I even made one for my son when he was born

I've given several as presents since then.

Lastly, my kids' art everywhere.
The kitchen...


the basement...

and papa's desk...

to name a few.

These are some things that make our house special.
What about you?  What makes your house a home?

Thanks Donna for letting me participate!


  1. Charmaine, these are absolutely wonderful. what a thoughtful gift your husband gave you! and those stenciled portraits... I had not seen those before and I am going back to check out that link. I LOVE the kids 'art' on the table/desk. what a treasure. Thank you so much, Charmaine, for participating. You have a 'love' filled home...

  2. I just came to your blog via A perfect Gray. Love the clipboard art holder, what a clever idea. You are right home is family!! Kathysue

  3. Found you thru a Perfect all the personal touches in your home!!!

  4. Hi Charmaine, I found your blog through a Perfect Gray. Love your blog! I'm a new follower. Take care.

  5. i love the curtains in your son's room! did you make them or buy them??

  6. Dayka - I bought it at my local PBKids before it closed down. They don't have it online but might have it in the stores still.


I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by.