Sunday, March 14, 2010


Don't you just love white kitchens?

I do.

So clean and classic.

With a touch of color, you can transform your white kitchen from being too sterile to warm and inviting.

Images from house beautiful

So when we bought our oak wood-filled house in July, we transformed this

into this

and this

to this

I didn't do anything major. I wanted to paint the kitchen myself but with a little research and help from my best friend Craig (Craigslist that is!), I decided to hire a professional. He did a good job painting the cabinets inside and out. Other than paint, the only thing I did was to reposition and change the hardware. The knobs are from anthropologie and the cup pulls are from overstock. Not bad, right?

I mentioned that our house is filled with 80's oak wood. I wasn't kidding. It was so overwhelming that I even submitted a question on Apartment therapy. Check it out here , here and lastly here. Thanks AT! You have inspired me to keep going. Stay tuned, this is just the beginning...


  1. that kitchen is a fartrillion times better than that oak puke fest.
    job well done!! and good luck on blogging!! it's totes fun.

  2. Wow, thanks Jenny! I can't believe it! My first ever comment! I've been a long time reader of your blog. You are one of the inspirations why I started blogging. Thanks again!

  3. It looks so much better!! Your shades are too cute!

    We are planning to go white in our kitchen too among many other things we need to change.

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