Tuesday, June 22, 2010


It is done!

Bye Bye 1980s


The nude portrait is by a famous Filipino artist, Solomon Saprid, given to us by my parents

Mirror, Lighting and Vanity Change...

I really wanted to use this federal eagle mirror but the convexity of it made me dizzy.
I used this vintage mirror instead which I got from a thrift shop for $7.

The light fixture, baskets and tissue box are all from home goods.
We also changed the shower valve and trim. 
{we still have to replace the shower door}

Here's another look at the before...

and after...
We had everything professionally done except for the wallpaper which I tackled myself.   We spent a little over $2K for the entire project.  Not bad considering the average small bathroom renovation ranges from $7400-$12,500{according to here}

Friday, June 18, 2010


Yes!  All I have to do is hang the wallpaper, mirror and few accesories.

Such a big improvement...

don't you think?

Have a great weekend and Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Do you remember our plans for the main floor bathroom

I am excited because today is demolition day!  Here is our bathroom now...

Yikes!  I know.  More dated oak.
This bathroom serves as a powder room but there is actually a small shower across the vanity.

The plan is to change the floor tiles with these...

2x2 hex tiles i got from overstock.
Then paint the paneling white and replace the toilet also in white.  You've seen my new vanity, the wallpaper and the mirror I am using.
The shower tiles are staying but we'll be replacing the fixtures and the shower door with a clear glass door.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My daughter has been asking me to plant a "garden" with her.  Since I have a black thumb,  I knew I wanted to start small...

So when I saw this on pink wallpaper last week,  I knew it was the perfect project for me and my 5 year old.